Staycation and vacation guides for parents and babies
We’ve got baby- and toddler-friendly travel tips whether you’re going some place new or just staying home for a few extra days of fun in your home city!
Other moms around the world have put together a schedule for a full week of fun in their cities. Every place they mention is kid-friendly and parent-friendly.
Don’t see your city? You can volunteer to write it yourself and we’ll be happy to post it with a link back to your website or business.
Happy travels!
West Coast places to go with a baby or toddler
Southern California
- San Diego with a baby by Kristin Helms of Mommy Project SD
- San Diego by Debbie Dubrow of Delicious Baby
- Los Angeles, CA by Nikki
- Pasadena, CA by JJ Keith
Northern California
- San Francisco by Karen Solomon
- Oakland, CA by Lisa Hazen
- Silicon Valley, CA by Catherine from BayAreaBabyBlog
- Marin County, CA by Meg from Backpack to Buggy
- Ross Valley, CA by Heather Ryan
- Alameda, CA by Whitney’s friend Jen
- San Luis Opispo, CA by Kimberly Lisagor author of Disappearing Destinations
Pacific Northwest
- Portland by Amanda Whalen
- Seattle by Jacqui from Red Tricycle
- And Seattle’s lesser-known sibling, Issaquah, WA by Shelly from MySpoiledRottenBaby
- Way up north and west in Anchorage, AK by Lia Keller from Alaskan Mom Approved
- Las Vegas
- Albuquerque, NM from the professional twin mommy.
- Birmingham, AL by the ladies of BirminghamMommy.com
- Myrtle Beach, SC from Stacie at newmommyhelp
- Austin, TX by Alissa of BabyScoopAustin.com
- Dallas, TX by Samantha from RatzerFratzer
- Atlanta, GA by another Heather
- Orlando by SuZ from Not Your Typical Mommy Blog (Is Florida considered “south” or merely “Florida”?)
- Chicago with toddlers by Lisa Hazen
- Chicago by Jeff Pfaller
- Des Moines, IA by Christi of small.town.fun and BHG
- Twin Cities by Ann from busy little baby
East Coast
- NY City by Mommy Poppins
- Boston for babies by Christine Koh
- Boston in the Summer by Becky Senf (quite possibly our first ever reader)
- Washington, DC by Kristi at CiaoBambino.com
- Myrtle Beach, SC by Stacie from NewMommyHelp.net
- Pittsburgh, PA by Katy and Jodie
- London by Courtney of Babyccino Blog
- London (Hampstead area) by Heather’s friend Valerie
- Paris by Emilie of Babyccino Blog
- Amsterdam by Esther of Babyccino Blog
- Milan by Michela of Babyccino Blog
- Vancouver by Shana from Wee Travel (cool Canadian *stuff* rental for traveling parents)
- Ottawa by Kim-Anh from the jellyball family blog
- Quebec City by Kristi at Ciao Bambino