I once read in Entertainment Weekly that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie like to have regular movie-watching parties with the kids on a regular basis. She said,
We always have one night a week where everybody stays up late, watches a movie, and stays in our bed. We have, like, a slumber party.
At the time, they merely had four kids (ha!) between the ages of 2 and 6 (compared to my youngins at only one and three) and I thought my boys were way too young for that. Welp, fast forward a bit and we’re doing it here too.
Now that Holden and Milo are a whopping four and two, we’re ready for some very-very-G-rated movies shown early in the evening.
[As I write, Holden is howling in fear at the tractor-tipping scene in Cars. C’mon kid, you can do it!]

1st Family Movie Night
Here’s how we’re doing it tonight:
- We ordered a pizza to arrive at 5:45
- We laid out a fleecey blanket on the floor for a picnic
- We started up the second most G-rated movie in the house (2nd to Finding Nemo)
- We’re hoping when it’s over we can tuck them snugly to bed by 7:45 and enjoy the rest of our evening
All y’all with more experience squeezing in dinner and a movie before an 8 pm bedtime, do you have any tips for next time?
Need help finding decent age-appropriate movies? Try using this website.
I’m starting my first attempt at NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) for this month of August. More about that later, but I’m gonna try not to overrun this site with my efforts because its still the Whitney-and-Heather show, so I’ll write up some product reviews, family rants (on my secret personal site), and safety posts to round out the extras. Sorry in advance if I do start to drive you nuts.
- Best Gifts for a One Year Old – Top picks for 2023 - October 10, 2023
- 6 Fool-Proof Strategies for When Your Toddler Won’t Stay in Bed - August 13, 2023
- 7 Super Great Nursing Sports Bras + 1 to Avoid - June 6, 2023