Now that you have your very own baby, your Halloween costume options have really expanded. If your baby is pretty new, she can be carted around with you, with no regard to bedtime. Enjoy it while it lasts.
A few ways use your baby as a fun prop or sidekick to your own costume. Some of these are very easy on the degree of difficulty scale and some require some more effort, so you can decide.
I would love to hear from someone who incorporates some sort of gear – a backpack or stroller – into their costume.
Long ago, I thought Mom could be the princess and baby would be the frog (Optional: Daddy could be a Prince). But why not flip that idea on its head and let Mama wear the cozy pajamas?

Mom and baby Halloween costume: Baby is princess, mommy is frog
Mom and Dad are athletes and baby is the ball. We love this comfortable costume idea from reader Tiffany. She says, “[Stitching is] just white electrical tape! It didn’t aggravate his skin at all because electrical tape is so pliable and flexible.”

Baby is football made of brown onesie & white electrical tape
Adults are characters from the Wizard of Oz. Baby is Toto or a Lion.

Toddler is Lion | Mom is Dorothy
Martha Stewart’s “no-sew” spider and web is especially adorable if you have no place to be but sitting around. The spider legs are made from men’s dress socks.

Spiderweb Mother and Sock Spider Baby Costume from Martha Stewart
Baby as King Kong and mom and dad can follow along.

A baby gorilla pairs nicely with a DIY Statue of Liberty or skyscraper
Mom as a butcher; baby as a piglet? Seeing that written out, I can’t really tell if it is horrible or adorable. It turns out that having a white lab coat is a terrific Halloween costume investment because you can be a scientist (mad or otherwise!), butcher, or doctor pretty easily. For only $10, I think you should buy it, not make it.

Weird mom and baby costume – but at least the lab coat is versatile
Baby as an owl and mom is a tree with a green or brown sling.
We have some other Halloween costume ideas and tips for babies and toddlers:
photo of Run DMC family: D. Kelson
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