Halloween for babies. Halloween for toddlers. Halloween costumes for babies. Halloween costume ideas. We got it all. From elaborate sewing projects to last-minute baby costumes and frugal-minded ideas for parents who want to highlight their baby’s mind-blowing Halloween cuteness, we’ve put all our best dress-up ideas on this page. If you’ve got a related photo or story to share, feel free to comment at the bottom. Halloween for babies is our favorite!
Baby’s first Halloween |You’ll wear it again |Costumes for the family |Â Last minute | Â Pregnant chicks | Epic and easy DIY
Baby’s first Halloween
Simplest tiny newborn costumes. Is it baby’s first Halloween? For those who will probably be asleep but are still going to be on display, consider something uber-easy. And comfy! (See 10 ideas for baby’s first Halloween)
See also: Halloween costumes ideas for strollers, carseats, and other things with wheels.
You’ll totally wear that again
Best costume that will actually be worn again: pajamas! Our hands-down favorite are skeleton-themed jammies. This is the Rookie Mom go-to costume: Julian has donned the bones twice, Holden once, Milo once, and Sawyer is pictured below! And then they can be worn all year.
Other “You’ll totally wear that again” costumes for toddlers and kids:
You’ll totally wear that again: Laura Ingalls costume from Molly
You’ll totally wear that again: prom dress becomes princess dress from Carrie
You’ll totally wear that again: cowgirl costume from Dottie
Reusable toddler train engineer costume from me, on BabyCenter.com.
You’ll totally wear that again: cool (little) dude jackets from Caitlin
Parent and baby group costumes
Baby as a prop to your own costume is convenient if you’ll be wearing or carrying your baby most of the time. We’ve thought of quite a few “themes” that will unify your look with your baby in a sling or carrier.
More mom and baby costume ideas like this…
Last minute costume ideas
Best last-minute costumes for infants. Make the baby clothes you’ve got on-hand into a new persona. We’ve got nine ideas for late-breaking baby costumes…
Best costumes for pregnant chicks
- Embrace the belly and be Buddha, Santa Claus, or a guy with a beer belly (baseball cap, man-style sleeveless undershirt, beer in hand)
- Pregnant virgins: nun, cheerleader, girl scout, or bride
- Paint the belly
- How to paint your big pregnant belly
- Be athletic and paint your belly as a beach ball or basketball
- More belly-painting inspiration!
- Staying home? Paint your belly as a pumpkin like Caley
- More pop culture and other ideas from pregnantchicken.

Belly Art Project (book): pineapple belly painting = costume done!
Still reading? If you’ve got a cute idea to share for Halloween, please send it to moms @ rookiemoms . com and we’ll add it to this guide!
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