There are so many little details that go into planning the baby shower of the year, and we’re here to make sure you don’t forget a single one of them! Baby shower games will keep your guests engaged and having fun throughout your party. Lucky for you, these games are all relatively easy to set up and don’t require too many material goods. Play as many or as few as you’d like, and don’t forget to have some fun prizes set up for the winners!
15 Super Fun Baby Shower Games
Would She Rather –
Looking for an ice breaker, Play “Would She Rather”! After all, your guests have one thing in common: you know the mom-to-be. These printable game cards with gorgeous eucalyptus leaves would be perfect for a greenery themed baby shower. Check them out here!
Who said it?
This is a great and fun game for people to guess, who said what. The mom to be or the dad to be? Have the parents to answer the questions beforehand like “I will take care of the night feedings” and then have your guest guess who said what. Check it out here!
Pregnant Belly or Beer Belly?
These printables are pretty hilarious. Your guests will have to guess which image is a beer belly or a pregnant belly. You can check them out here on Etsy
What’s in your Phone?
What’s in your phone is a great game since everyone pretty much has their phone on them at all times. People earn points based on things like if the person has a picture of the mom to be in their phone, what apps they have and more. Check it our here!
Children’s Book Emoji Shower Game
This game includes very common and classic children’s book titles. Guests will guess the names of the children’s book described using emojis we all know and love. The person with the most correct answers wins. Be sure to have a prize on hand for the winner! You can purchase the printable here!
Baby Shower Game – Name That Song, BABY!
With the due date rapidly approaching, it is time to break into some baby songs. Here you can download some game cards with some top baby songs for guests to guess. Have the winner take home a prize for knowing all these sweet jams. Check out the game here!
Price is Right Baby Shower Game
Have your guests Bob Barker it up (or Drew Carey for Price is Right newbies) and come up with the prices of these classic baby items. You can also mix it up and look up the prices for these items on the date the mom to be was born and see if people could guess the prices back then. Check it out here!
Guess the Baby Food
One of the more fun baby shower games is Guess the baby food. What you need: Baby food is the main thing that you’ll need for this game! You’ll also want some extra unlabeled containers and some pens and paper for everyone to write with. Here’s a link to a print out if you want to get fancy!
How to Play: This game is super simple to set up, but is surprisingly fun and will surely create for some memories. Not to mention, almost all moms in attendance probably have a head start! Place different flavored baby foods in inconspicuous jars and number them. Have guests guess what baby food is in the jar and whoever gets the most correct wins!
Don’t Say Baby
What you need: You will need clothespins, a cute jar to place them in, and a sign right at the entrance of your party explaining the rules. We think this botanical themed print out is adorable, but you can find a Don’t Say Baby print out that will fit just about any theme on Pinterest.
How to Play: This is a baby shower classic, and it will last nearly through the whole party. It’s also a great way to get guests talking, which is nice if you’ve got a mix of different friend groups and family. When guests enter the baby shower, they will take 3 clothespins and clip them on. Every time they hear another guest say baby, they get to steal a clothespin from them. This game gets real interesting when people start to get competitive and try to make others slip up. Whoever has the most at the end of the party is the winner!
Blindfold Diaper Change Relay
What you need: Blindfolds, Baby Doll/Balloons, Diapers, Baby Wipes, Baby Powder
How to Play: There is just truly something hilarious about blindfold games because inevitably something is going to go wrong. Not to mention, when you’re changing diapers at 2 am after days of no sleep it pretty much feels like your blindfolded anyways. Break your guests up into teams, and have them designate one person to be the diaper changer. Blindfold the designated player and time how fast they can get a diaper off, wipe, powder, and get a new diaper on. Their teammates can give them directions to help, but no touching! You can either change the diaper on a balloon or on a baby doll, whatever is more convenient for you to gather. Pin it for Later
Conception Cornhole
What you need: Bring out your old bean bag toss supplies and give them a baby shower facelift. This means; paint the boards pink and turn the bean bags into sperm shaped bags. Feel free to get as detailed or keep it as vague as you would like. If you don’t want to get too crafty, you can order the bean bags right off Etsy. Here’s a great photo of what you’ll be trying to achieve.
How to Play: Play exactly how you’d play a normal game of cornhole (of course, with a few more laughs)!
Blindfold “Baby” Feeding
What you need: Blindfolds, Baby Food, Spoons, Hair Nets or Ponchos for the “babies”
How to Play: And, we bring you another hilarious blindfold game. This time have your guests pair off into twos, one will be the baby and one will be the blindfolded feeder. It will 100% get messy, but that’s part of the fun. Whichever team comes out the cleanest wins! Use these adorable sleep masks, and they will be perfect for the mom to be to take home.
Celebrity Baby Name Game
What you need: All you will really need for this baby shower game is a print out with celebrities and their baby names listed. I think this one (see below) is simple and cute! You’ll also need some pens and clipboards if you’re guests won’t be seated at a table.
How to Play: This is a simple matching game! Whoever pairs the most celebrities to the correct baby names is the winner. Set a ground rule of no phones during the game to make things fair, but make sure you’ve got an answer key ready to go.
Late Night Diaper Messages
What you need: You will need the mom to be to give you a list of diaper brands she’s planning on using, and purchase these in multiple sizes. You will also want lots of fun colored markers and stickers. This adorable print out will help explain the game to your guests and can be framed on the table where you’ll set this all up;
How to Play: While this isn’t quite a game, guests will get a kick out of leaving messages for mom & dad on diapers for long nights to come. Guests can leave words of wisdom or simple jokes on these diapers because parenthood is hard and being able to read words from loved ones makes it seem just a little more doable.
How Old was She?
What you need: Plenty of childhood pictures of mom (& dad if you’ll be including him)! You’ll also want to give your guests pens and paper. This Etsy pack is affordable and cute if you’re looking for a print out.
How to Play: In this game, you guess how old the mama to be was in certain pictures. Number the pictures and have guests write down their guesses for each. It will surely inspire storytelling of her childhood and give everyone something to look forward to with the new baby on the way. Of course, if you are having a coed baby shower make sure to add some old baby photos of dad in there too!
Have any questions or suggestions about some fun baby shower games, leave a message in the comments.
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