Breastfeeding is one of the most amazing, magical things that our bodies can do! That doesn’t mean it comes without its fair share of struggles, though. You should feel free to feed your baby when and where you want, but sometimes it’s nice to have a nursing cover when you don’t want to put it all out there.
Don’t take this the wrong way though, we are all about freeing the boobies! You should never feel like you need to use a nursing cover. However, we still recommend adding one to that coveted baby registry because there are so many other uses for them.
5 Best Nursing Covers

Trendy Nursing Covers

Milk Snob Multifunctional Cover
These are the cool kids of nursing covers. These nursing covers come in the absolute best patterns; from florals, Disney themes, stripes, and pretty solids. As you can see in the photo below, they are made with the idea of having multiple uses. You can simply throw them over what you are wearing to be a nursing cover. It provides all around coverage and is super stretchy. The material is light and breathable, so even in the summer months you won’t feel trapped under there.
You can also pop them over your car seat to give your baby some privacy. I loved doing this when I had newborns and needed to run errands. So many people just feel that they can reach in and touch your baby, and I am not a big fan of that so keeping the car seat covered was a must. Here is current pricing!

Nuroo Nursing Scarf
The Nuroo is a classic scarf option, but you can also wear it as a wrap or shawl. The scarf has snap along the edge which makes it easy to customize how you wear it. It is a super soft, breathable material, and the best part of all it stays wrinkle free! It’s a gorgeous scarf and you can easily incorporate it into your wardrobe even when you are no longer breastfeeding. One mama in the reviews said to check out Lulu Lemon’s Vinyasa scarf styling videos to get some different ideas of how to wear it. The Lulu Lemo scarf and the Nuroo are almost exactly the same with the buttons and light material. Absolutely loving that tip! Check pricing here.
Copper Pearl Multi-Use Cover
All I have to say is, I am absolutely obsessed with the Sloth pattern that you can get this nursing cover in. So stinking cute! Besides that, the design allows it to have 5 different uses. It is obviously a nursing cover but you can also use it as a car seat cover, a shopping cart cover, a high chair, or an infinity scarf. The fabric is a high-quality rayon blend perfect for any season. As a car seat cover, it will protect your little one from the elements like rain or snow. Aside from the elements, it will also keep unwanted strangers for peaking in at them. When using this as a nursing cover, it is really easy to check in on your little one and make sure their latch is good without having any peak a boo show. Take a look!
Practical Nursing Covers

Boppy Infinity Nursing Scarf
Boppy has long been coming to the rescue of nursing moms, and this full-coverage nursing cover is just one more amazing item they have added to their list. It can be worn just like a scarf, and then when you are ready to feed you unwrap it. There are snaps that allow you to create a halter strap, which will keep the nursing cover in place. I love the sheer panel near the top of the cover because it makes it easy to keep an eye on your little one. It is also lightweight, ultra-soft, and machine washable. Here is current pricing.
Motherhood Maternity Pull Over Tulip Hem Nursing Tee
Veering off the path a bit, we bring you one of the coolest nursing inventions. It is a nursing t-shirt! You might be thinking you would never wear something like this, but it is actually so cute. I do not think anyone (besides another mom who has one) would think it’s anything other than a pretty shirt. It can be pulled over whatever you have on to easy nursing or pumping. Get yours here!
Hooter Hiders Cover
This is an easy to throw on apron style cover. It comes in gorgeous patterns, but more than that is designed for convenience. The nursing cover has internal pockets where you can put breast pads or pacifiers. The top of the cover has a bowed shape, so without any adjusting, you can just look down and see your baby. This nursing apron even comes with a little pouch to stick it in so that you can throw it into your diaper bag with ease. Check out current prices.
Poncho Covers

Skip Hop Grab & Go Hide & Chic Nursing Scarf
A poncho cover is one of my favorite options because they just make covering up so easy. There is no fuss or worry, you just throw it over and you’re set to nurse. This Skip Hop scarf can be bunched up to make a cute infinity scarf and simply pulled down into a nursing poncho. It has a toggle that you can adjust, making it easy to get the exact right fit. You can also pull one arm out to make an over-the-shoulder cover. The material is soft and breathable. It also has a mesh peek in section. Take a look!
Bamboobies Nursing Cover Shawl
This Bamboobies cover looks so pretty as a shawl that I would wear it even if I wasn’t nursing! It drapes over your shoulders and hangs perfectly. The material is super soft containing bamboo and a touch of spandex. It is also very easy to use as a car seat cover and contains UPF 50+ for sun protection. This is also a really cute maternity accessory, so you can get some use out of it even before breastfeeding. Here is current pricing.
Our Favorite Alternative Uses
1. Car Seat Cover- Car seat covers are an absolute essential, but they often times get left off the essentials list. They are a great way to protect your baby from the elements when you are out and about, whether you are running errands or hanging out with friends. Many nursing covers will fit right over your car seat, but you can also simply drape one over!

2. Shopping Cart Cover- Shopping carts are full of germs, so you will always want to cover up the seat for your little one. You can easily use your nursing cover to do this. Just be sure to throw it in the wash after and get rid of any germs it may have picked up.
3. Baby Blanket When You’re In A Pinch- Nursing covers are a soft, breathable material making them a perfect blanket. You never know when the blanket you have with you might get spit up on or pooped on, but you can easily get creative and find a replacement!
Have some questions about Nursing Covers? Feel free to list them in the comments! Also, check out our Rookie Moms Facebook Group, it’s a great group of moms where you can share your experiences, ask for advice and even help out another mom!
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