Why have 52 challenges for new moms?
Outings with a baby? Our own experience with unstructured time and a small baby tells us that having an activity planned or a project for the day is tremendously helpful in passing the time. When your partner gets home from work or you hop on the phone with your sister, instead of talking about the length of naps and feeding sessions, you might be able to tell an interesting story about your day.
We hope this is not too bossy, but we have a specific activity each week for you to do. We hope that you’ll do the activity and come back and tell us how it went. If you have your own blog, post your experience there and then share your URL over here so other rookie moms can benefit from your wisdom. (We even made badges for you if that’s your thing.)
What if I’m doing it wrong?
There are so many aspects of new motherhood that make us questions ourselves, aren’t there? Everything from what’s in your diaper bag to how happy you feel seems like a measure of success. If you make a mistake, please don’t hide out and drown in a shame spiral. Share your story so we can learn from it. If you go to a mom-friendly event and you hate it, we will accept blame so that you can move on.
Without further ado here are the Challenges:
- Push the stroller out the door and pretend you’re in Paris.
- Grab a buddy to go on a recon mission.
- Join or start a new mom’s group. ** CLICK HERE to join ours!!! We would LOVE to have you!!
- Visit a fabric store with your sidekick; crafty project optional.
- Go to the grocery store for just one thing. You know, for practice!
- Paint your baby’s feet onto pottery for posterity.
- Take a postnatal yoga class with your baby.
- Get a pedicure, you deserve it.
- Go to a mom and baby movie, where crying is allowed.
- Plan a mom’s night out for yourself and some friends.
- Interrupt someone’s work day.
- Enjoy modern art with your bambino.
- Hit on another Rookie Mom.
- Start your own breakfast club.
- Leave your neighborhood.
- Walk into nature.
- Become a cruise director.
- Check out the library.
- Invite someone dangerous over for tea.
- Visit a farmers’ market.
- Talk about something besides sleep.
- Play in another kind of nursery. Yep, the one with baby plants!
- Build muscles at bootcamp.
- Be a tourist in your own town.
- Host an ugly baby (clothes) contest.
- Count your steps.
- Take your baby swimming.
- Pack a picnic for a change.
- Refresh your bedroom.
- Find a family-friendly pub.
- Go out for just dessert.
- Patronize bookstore events for babies.
- Get a free 8×10 portrait taken.
- Host a Margarita Mommies group.
- Get some new jeans.
- Take a pumpkin picture.
- Visit the pet store with your older baby.
- Take a sensory tour of the neighborhood.
- Use the slide on the playground, baby style.
- Throw yourself an inside-out party to celebrate.
- Test-drive some free music and movement classes.
- Send your partner out for a jog.
- Try a half sleepover.
- Wear something unusual.
- Do what YOU want to do.
- Swap til you drop.
- Join a museum. For kids.
- Find some excellent graffiti.
- Run or walk errands.
- Launch Camp Grandma!
- Meet your friends out for errands.
- Celebrate your way
We’ve said it before: sometimes for new moms, it’s nice to just be told what to do. Well, here we are, telling you.
Tell us… what is your favorite activity to do with your baby outside the home??
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