This Christmas, with a three and a half year old Holden and a one and a half year Milo, we are not traveling and not hosting family. Weird and wonderful? It’s time for me and Alec to step up and figure out what holidays look like in our house and I’m pretty darn excited.
We are inventing our own traditions and trying to figure out whether Santa wraps presents in newsprint or not at all (I think he does not!) and whether he gives the good stuff (I think he gives one odd-shaped gift for each kid). We already had our big Hannukah party last week (and have been eating latkes with every meal since) and this week is pretty well planned out:
- Tonight: Holiday Lights Carousel ride at Tilden Park with Santa visit
- Tuesday: Zoo lights tour
- Wednesday: Baking cookies with H, prime rib for the four of us, open up matching jammies, and put stuff out for Santa C.
- Christmas Day: Open stocking gifts, play with new toys, lounge around all day. Maybe I make a special breakfast? That seems like something I should do.
- Boxing Day: Take the boys to see/experience Walking with Dinosaurs in San Jose if I can convince myself to keep them up an extra 3 hours at night. hmmm.
We’re also reading Santasaurus
and wearing matching dino jammies for Xmas Eve.
Voila… just like Whitney suggested, customize your holiday with dinosaurs.
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