We’re very excited to participate in the Huggies® Every Little Bottom campaign to provide every baby access to clean, dry diapers.
Let me also add that I am super proud of Whitney for seeing her mission to hold a diaper drive for 1,000 diapers blossom into collecting 2500 diapers and now millions of diapers!! I just want to hug her and carry her around all day. I know it wasn’t Whitney’s single-handed efforts, but rather proof (to me) that doing small good things can have a very positive impact.
What’s the program?
The maker of Huggies plans to give away millions of diapers starting this week and raise awareness about parents who struggle financially to provide them for their children. As a first step, Huggies will donate up to 20 million diapers in the U.S. in the coming months.
Why do I care?
Our family has been in diapers now for just over five years. At the peak (one poo’sploding newborn and one super pooper toddler), our diaper budget was hundreds of dollars per month. Now, at the tail-end of the diaper daze, we are down to a meager $150/month in diapers and additional preschool charges (for a non-potty-trained kid).
Imagine if that money were not just a nuisance or a badge of parental honor (like lost hours of sleep), but instead a financial burden so immense that we had to do without other basic needs. It’s a terrible thought. Moms who have to make these choices may feel like MacGyver once in a while (with their creative solutions), but probably –more often– suffer from guilt and shame for not being able to provide the basics for their babies.
No doubt, many of these families experience the spiral from diaper rashes exacerbating an already-rough situation. More rashes = more need for diapers + less sleep.
What do we do?
As ambassadors to the program, Whitney and I will be part of the local and national efforts to collect and share diapers. We’ll also help get the word out on simple ways you can help.
What can you do?
Without even leaving your laptop, you can:
- Donate to a local diaper bank
- Host a diaper drive (ok, you’ll have to get up off your bottom to complete this mission, but not to start it!)
- Read more about the program at Every Little Bottom.com
- Follow Huggies on Twitter (#elb) and like Huggies on Facebook
- Read updates from other ambassadors and agents of “the diaper change”: A Parent in Silver Spring, House of Prince, Mommy Words, Smarty Pants Mama, and Jenny on the Spot.
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